Motherboard is the most important part of the computer. It is designed from chipset up to support a specific type of processor. The performance and set of features depends on the chipset. The motherboard is built around a chipset that supports a specific class of processors and memory.
What makes this component so important is the fact that all the other components such as video card, sound card, hard disk drives, CD/DVD Drives, and even peripherals like printer, modem etc., plug into and communicate with each other via the motherboard. The motherboard acts as the central and largest part of any computer.
So, as we know the importance of motherboard, the eshopping computers team suggests that while buying motherboard keep in mind the processor you are using and whether it supports to it or not. Therefore buying motherboard along with supported processor is really beneficial. Nowadays motherboards with integrated features such as graphics, audio etc., are getting popular owing to its low cost.